About Me

Hi, I’m Jane, a Nutritionist living in Sydney. Also, a mum of two daughters who amaze me everyday.

I believe that life…… is short & can change in an instant. It should be enjoyed as much as possible. To me this means: worrying less about what other people think; making time for friends & family; not taking everything so seriously; helping people out; smiling at strangers; hanging with people that make you feel good; being able to laugh at yourself; training hard; enjoying good food & finding time for yourself. If you need to make changes, be brave & make them. Today. What is holding you back?

Some of my fav’ things… are the simple things: like a great coffee on a Sunday morning with friends; walking the dog & shooting hoops with my hubby and daughters; hanging at the beach; cooking & eating great food (of course); BBQs with mates; camping & travelling. Oh, I love a good nights sleep too!

Why I became a nutritionist… I have always been interested in the power of food & the influence it has on our physical health, mental wellbeing & sports performance. So after a career in marketing & advertising, travelling & having two babies – it was time for a new life direction.

What I love doing… is inspiring & motivating people to open their minds to a new way of eating & living. Why? Because I want people to feel better (& perform better) than they ever thought possible. I want more people living a life where they are doing better than just O.K. And I love helping them get there.