Group Cleanse Program

“Jane’s insight and knowledge was fantastic; and her meal plan and recipes took the guess work out of what to eat. I thoroughly recommend the four week cleanse. My husband and I will certainly be signing up for another one.”   Cath Schmatloch, 2015

“So worthwhile. It brought focus to my family’s health and wellbeing. Wonderful food and support – but best of all, I feel so much better.”   Carmel Demery, 2015

“The group detox was a fantastic way for me to motivate myself to make the changes I needed in my diet. Thank you Jane (and the rest of the group!) for all your tips, educational advice, recipes and support.” Debbie Morley, 2014

What are the top 5 reasons to cleanse?

While everyone has different underlying motivations for doing a cleanse, here are the most common ones:

  1. FLC (Feeling Like Crap) Syndrome. The start of a new year and being another year older are always great reasons to put more energy into restoring and strengthening your health
  2. It’s time to make some positive changes to your eating habits & get sugar cravings back under control
  3. You’re tired of hormonal imbalances that make you all moody & cranky
  4. It’s time to improve your gut health and resolve the causes of your bloating, gut pains & constipation
  5. To kick-start weight loss and increase your energy levels 

“A cleanse is like hitting the RESET button on your health & body. Or, maybe you just need a good kick-up the butt.”

What makes this cleanse program better than the rest?

    1. This cleanse is NOT about starving yourself, surviving on juices or always feeling hungry. This program is about eating plenty of NOURISHING REAL FOODS that are beneficial for your body & health, while avoiding foods known to be highly allergenic, inflammatory, harmful & hard-to-digest (like sugars, wheat, dairy, caffeine and alcohol)
    2. Evidence-based SUPPLEMENTS by Metagenics are also used during the cleanse – helping your body deal with & eliminate toxins, as well as creating a healthy gut environment that is crucial for long-term health. Metagenics is an industry leader in nutritional supplements that are available for practitioner use only, so are clinically effective, evidence-based and therapeutic-strength
    3. Claimable through many private health funds
    4. This cleanse is not an online program or a cleanse-in-a-box. It involves one-on-one consults and face-to-face nutritional workshop sessions. You’ll have ongoing email and phone support, plus an interactive Private Facebook Group for the duration of the cleanse. I am a Qualified Nutritional Medicine Practitioner & Member of the Australian Traditional Medicine Society. Also a Sports Nutrition Lecturer at Nature Care College, Sydney
    5. 4-weeks on a cleanse may sound scary or too hard (most people feel this way initially), but being this duration means you’ll actually get into a rhythm and experience a genuine difference to your HABITS, HEALTH & WEIGHT
    6. This cleanse is designed to address ALL KEY DETOX ORGANS (NOT just your liver like most other programs): that’s the health of your gut, liver, kidneys & cellular detox
    7. Getting ready for life after the cleanse. I’ll teach you what a sustainable, healthier and balanced approach to living and eating looks like – for the benefit of both you and your family
    8. Intolerances or reactions to foods can be identified and ultimately resolved in most cases through using the cleanse as the first essential phase of elimination and gut healing

 The 28-Day Cleanse Program includes:

  • 2 x 30 minute one-on-one consultations, pre & post cleanse including:
    – brief health assessment
    – identifying individual cleanse & health goals
    – weight/body fat/muscle & measurements
  • Metagenics therapeutic strength supplements (4-Week Integrated Detox Program)
  • Regular nutritional cleanse workshops x 2 (Fairlight, Sydney)
  • Private Facebook support group
  • Phone and email support during program
  • Cleanse Guide with recipes, meal plans, allowable foods and more

What’s the deal with toxicity anyway? Is it really an issue?

Toxins are everywhere & they are unavoidable – over 2,000 new chemicals are produced every year hitting our soil, water, air and food supply. It’s in plastics, pollution, pesticides in food, chemicals in hair & skin products, hormones in food, the contraceptive pill, alcohol, other peoples cigarette smoke, heavy metals etc. Sadly even babies are now being born pre-polluted, with disturbing levels of chemicals tested in umbilical cord blood.

Toxins are even generated within your own body – from stress, poor digestion etc.

It’s this constant low level of chemical burden in the body that not only creates unpleasant signs & symptoms (like fatigue, gut pains & weight gain), but creates inflammation that pushes you closer to the tipping point of chronic diseases like depression, auto immunity, chronic fatigue etc.

So does this cleanse really help with toxicity?

While your body has it’s own mechanisms to eliminate the build up of toxins, these detoxification pathways can become incredibly overwhelmed with the lifestyle we choose to live. That’s where this cleanse can help – it gives your body a rest from many of these toxins, helps to eliminate them and builds a stronger  platform of health for more tolerance in the future.

Remember: the longer you ignore warnings in your body that things aren’t quite right, the longer the damage continues inside. A cleanse or detox is designed to help get to the root cause of those issues – before they become a more serious health concern.

Total cleanse program cost: $425.00
Places strictly limited. Register by Monday 25 January.
Runs from 1-28 February 2016.

Payable in two installments. $200 deposit to reserve your place, then remaining balance due mid-February. ($30 discount for repeat cleansers.) Private health fund rebates may also be available. For more information or to register, contact me or call 0404 081 404.

Love you to join me. Jane xx